Policies and requirements
House rules
- No smoking
- No parties or events
- Pets upon request
- Check-in is anytime after 4PM
- Check out by 10AM
Security deposit
EUR 500 on-site security deposit to be paid at check-in in cash.
Cancel up to 95 days before your trip and only pay 50% of the total accommodation fees for the reservation. Cancel within 95 days of the trip and the reservation is non-refundable.
We offer air-conditioned accommodation with free wi fi. The rooms in the apartments feature a work desk, a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom. All units include a bathroom with a shower, free toiletries and a hairdryer.
House red:
On the day of arrival you can enter the accommodation after 14:00, and on the day of departure you can leave no later than 10:00.
Guests are obliged to take care of their belongings and valuables left in the apartment. The owner is not responsible for their possible disappearance.
Guests are responsible for their own behavior in the apartment and are responsible for the consequences.
Please do not make noise, especially between 14: 00-16: 00 and 23: 00-7: 00
The number of guests in the accommodation must not exceed the maximum number of people.
When leaving the building, be sure to close the windows, turn off the lights and AC.
It is forbidden to destroy furniture and equipment in the accommodation and cause riots
Pets are not allowed
Please leave the accommodation clean and tidy
All appliances must be turned off and trash the pool
Terms & Conditions
General terms and conditions
The content on the website Villa Gabriela and all written and other materials on them are the property of Villa Gabriela d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the service provider) unless otherwise stated, and may not be copied, published, distributed, etc. without the express consent of the site owner.
Limitations of use and liability
The information published on this site is presented with the best of intentions and with verification of its authenticity. We endeavor to publish accurate information but make no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness.
The information published on this website is for informational purposes only.
By using the content of this website, the user accepts all risks arising from the use of the website and agrees to use the content of the website exclusively for personal use and at his own risk. The service provider hereby excludes any liability for direct and indirect damages arising or likely to arise from access to and use of the content of the pages and for any errors in their content.
The service provider reserves the right to change the content of the website without prior notice and is not responsible for any possible consequences arising from such changes.
The service provider is not responsible for any possible consequences arising from the unavailability of the website for technical reasons.
These websites also contain information from third parties and links to third-party websites. The service provider makes no warranties as to the accuracy or any other characteristics of such information and links, and assumes no responsibility for the content of the pages to which the link directs the user.
Methods and terms and conditions of payment:
The credit card will be charged for the total amount according to the terms and conditions as laid down in the accepted proposal.
Your personal data, as well as your credit card details are fully protected. Data transfer is taking place on a secured server.
Refund is granted per conditions below:
Refund will be done in the same way the payment was processed.
In case that credit card could not be charged, we reserve the right to cancel your order.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: [email protected]
‘The Villa’ does not accept responsibility for the breakdown of the supply of water, or electricity, nor of swimming pool filtration systems, though we will use our best endeavors to arrange for any such problems to be resolved quickly
‘The Villa’ will do as much as it can be reasonably expected to avoid and rectify any problems that may occur, but cannot be held responsible for any problems. Any complaints must be notified to ‘The Villa’ within 24 hours of the occurrence giving rise to the complaint.
Should a problem remain unsolved please make an immediate complaint in writing (email acceptable) to the representative of ‘The Villa’ before completion of the rental period. If ‘The Villa’ is vacated before the end of the rental period without mutual agreement this may result in the loss of all rights to compensation.
‘The Villa’ is not responsible, nor is it liable for any external or environmental noise or other disturbance arising out of its control.
No complaints will be considered if made after the departure date or if not acknowledged by ‘The Villa’ owner or ‘The Villa’ representative.
The person making the reservation in Villa is responsible for the correct and appropriate behavior of the guests staying at the Villa. Should any member of the party not behave in such a manner, Villa owner or local representative may at their absolute discretion ask the offending guest or guests to vacate the Villa forthwith.
Loss of Guest’s Property
Villa cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any belongings, or for injury sustained by the Guest or members of his/her party during their stay at the Villa except to the extent that such injury or loss or damage to any belongings is caused by the negligence or default of Villa. Villa does not provide insurance for personal effects.
The user undertakes not to use this website for content that spreads hatred and racial intolerance, violates the rights and interests of third parties, enters and/or distributes any illegal software, including but not limited to viruses, spyware, and the like.
Protection, collection, and use of personal data
The website of Villa Gabriela d.o.o. do not enable user registration and therefore does not collect personal data of users/visitors of the site of that type.
The website of Villa Gabriela d.o.o. enables online booking of accommodation and therefore collects the personal data of users/visitors of the site for the purpose of providing accommodation booking services.
Detailed general terms and conditions of personal data protection and information about cookies used on this website can be found in the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection.
Advertising on the site
The service provider reserves the right to publish commercial advertisements on its websites. Any correspondence or dealings with advertisers is solely a matter for the advertiser and website owner providing the advertising space.
The service provider is not liable for any damage or loss incurred as a result of such business or the mere presence of the advertisement.
Changes to the Terms of Use
The service provider reserves the right to change these Terms of Use without prior notice.
Users are obliged to check the valid Terms of Use published on the service provider every time they use the website.
General conditions of personal data protection
The General Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data are based on the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and the Act Implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (OG 42/2018) and provide users of this website with information on the manner in which their personal information is collected, used, protected, corrected and deleted. A link to the terms of personal data protection is available on the front page and each sub-page of this website.
Personal data of the user
In these terms of personal data protection, the term ‘personal data’ means any data on the basis of which the user can be identified: name and surname, date of birth, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, IP address and similar data.
No user registration is required to access the content of this website, nor does a user need to log in to the website to access the content. These websites can therefore be used without revealing the identity of the user.